The website and domain correspond to  Lavandaría La Pajarita S.L.U., with Company Tax ID No. (NIF) B57872756 and address in Gremi Boneters nº49, 07009 Palma de Mallorca and tel. 971 43 29 53, email address


The rights to the content of this site, including the text, images, graphic design, trademarks and other distinctive elements (hereinafter, the content) belong to La Pajarita or third parties that have authorised the use thereof. La Pajarita offers this content in order to inform regarding its services and activities. La Pajarita autorises the use of the content for non-commercial use, provided the source is clearly indicated. If the content is used in web environments then a link to the website’s homepage must be included. La Pajarita reserves the right to take the appropriate legal action in defence of its intellectual or industrial property rights.

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Although La Pajarita acts with the maximum possible diligence, there is always the possibility that certain data or information may not be entirely up to date when the user should view this. For this reason, La Pajarita hereby states that the service references shown on our website are for guidance purposes only and do not constitute any obligation for La Pajarita until the express acceptance of an order.

La Pajarita reserves the right to unilaterally modify the presentation, configuration and content of the website at any time.

La Pajarita shall not be liable for any information that may be obtained through links included in the website.


The use of this website implies full acceptance of the terms and conditions of this legal notice. Any possible conflicts in relation to this website shall be governed exclusively by Spanish law. Users of the website agree to comply with and respect these clauses, expressly renouncing any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them, regardless of the territorial jurisdiction in which access should take place.